Still struggling to loose weight.

Dear Me.

Please get your self together and take care of business. Once more I allowed life and its' craziness to get me of track  my weight loss journey. Yes. I went to the U.K this summer and let myself go. I had doughnuts with my strawberries, and apples, and bread and cheesecakes, and pies, and vegetables. I ate it all up ... I'm such a pig. Anyways none the less, I have decided to give this thing another go. Now if some one out there on the world wide web happens to fall onto this blog because they're looking for help to loose weight, all I have to say is "me and you both brother/sister".  I will also encourage anyone who is trying everything to loose weight but keep falling back into old habits to keep trying. Try, try, try again until you gain your victory. 
My reason for wanting to loose weight is not so that I can be skinny, but I want a better quality of life for my self and my family. I am 5 ft 6 and I weigh 200 lbs. That 200 lbs comes with super large breasts of which i suffer terrible back pain, painful joints, fatigue, low self esteem, and the inability to fully enjoy the simple things in life. Right now, my greatest fear is becoming diabetic. So I am going to continue trying to loose this extra 70 lbs that keeps me in the obese category. Therefore my goal weight is 130 lbs.
How am I going to approach this? Well I have given it a lot of thought and have decided to first cleanse my body from any toxins that may be working against me, so I'll be doing the Master Cleanse for about 10 days ... I may end up going for 15 days  but we'll see how it goes. 

So yeah ... this is me again. Take three. 


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