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My New Health Plan

If my journey has taught me anything, it is that I need to attempt my weight loss with a new mind set. In the past, I was completely fixed by the numbers and the type of work out and diet plan that I used. To be honest a lot of those things were unattainable to me because of the price tag they came with, so the minuet the finances ran out everything else flopped. I think that for a lot of us normal folk who are not rich or don't  make a lot of money, we get caught up in the hype of all these gurus on Youtube, Instagram and Facebook who try to convince us that it can only be done with their "product" or special combinations of workout DVDs and diet plans. I realized that in order to move forward I have to deconstruct a lot of theories and systems and formula about weight loss in my mind. I simply told myself that all I have to do is make sure there's a lot of natural foods on my plate, and get up and move: it could be walking, cleaning, dancing or playing with my kids...

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